Thursday, January 7, 2010


When I hit puberty I started to struggle with my weight. I was never overweight, but I wasn't one of those enviable/confident/sexy teenagers that all boys wanted and girls wanted to be. At the time it created dissonance within me; while I wished I was sexier, I found security in not receiving unwanted attention. This way I could be flirty and fun but it wouldn't be misinterpreted and taken to a weird unmanageable level. I wasn't always happy that I couldn't just get any guy, but in retrospect I did date a few great boys and it worked out just fine.

Finally in my 20s I came into my own and decided to recreate myself. I lost 20 lbs. and managed to keep it off. I still struggle with my pear-shaped "problem areas", but I'm the only one who seems to be bothered by this. Ironically my least favorite body parts, my booty and hips, get all sorts of positive attention from men and women-- I'm like the Jewish Kim Kardashian. I've been holla'd at multiple times by some randoms on the street, including my favorite where I was told to "fish tail it gurrrl". Think about it.....

So all of this weight management comes with hard work. I eat what I want, but I usually count calories and work out on a regular. I keep a caloric-management profile on and today I received a total creepsauce note from what looks to be a born-again-ESL-troglodyte-spam-mailer who finds me "worthy of a friendship". the weird thing is that my one pic on that site is of my toilet. (eating disorders are not funny... so I'm told).

From: precious00
Date Sent: Dec 30, 2009
Subject: Hello Dear,
Hello Dear,I saw your nice profile,at [] and something motivated me to communicate with you'i found you worthy of acceptance and godly;My Dear in your usual time may it pleases you to write me back in email address[]So that i can send you my pictures and also tell you more about myself.A friendship is the foundation build on other relative things to come.May God bless you as i wait impatiently to hear from you. Your lonely friend,precious.

1 comment:

  1. hello dear,
    would you be my friend?
    while i was reading your post about your bootilicious self, i started humming the song "she had them apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur..."
    that one mean girl on the far left of the picture looks like how jacque used to look when she'd go crazy with the tanning. they are taking it to a whole 'nother level.
    anyway, go on with your bad self.
