My good friend, RdR, has inspired me to create my very own 30-things-I-want-to-do-before-I-turn-30-years-old list. If I can't cross-off all of these things from this list by Oct. 29th, well, I'll give myself an extension: Dec. 31st.
- Apply to graduate schools!!!!
- Celebrate my double-15th birthday with a quinceaƱera themed party.
- Travel to NY with the bf and experience his NYC.
- Lose those pesky 5 lbs.
Get a job in the mental health industry (or at least get a good job if I'm volunteering in the mental health sector.)- Join a dance class. Jazz please!
- Reorganize and de-clutter the home office.
Host a nice party at my home with good friends.- Go out clubbing with my girls once a month! (This does not happen as often as I want)
- Cut down on my TV addiction.
Introduce Mike to Nana.- Make a skirt from scratch.
- Get better about managing my investments.
Start carrying my mobile on me again.- If I can afford it, either take more spin classes or pilates.
- Find a great indoor hanging potter for our plants.
- Be better about talking regularly to friends and family, near and far.
- Get stuff out of my AZ storage.
- Organize our magazines, cds, and dvds.
- Draw or paint a picture for the apt. and hang it.
- Do laundry more often (before I get down to my last pair of undies).
Get my CA driver's license. (breakin' the law, breakin' the law).- Organize online photos.
Fix my computer (or at least get a new one).- When said computer is fixed, make a cd for Mike's dad.
- Backup files on external hard drive.
Take public transportation more often.- Hang out with my siblings in SD and get to know sister-in-law better. (I just visited with my Chi sib).
- Go through a week without mentioning anything negative about my mind, body, or abilities.
Find a local coffee shop/library with comfortable furniture and work from there.
thanks for this. it prompted me to write a 30 before 30. :)