Monday, June 21, 2010

30 before 30

My good friend, RdR, has inspired me to create my very own 30-things-I-want-to-do-before-I-turn-30-years-old list. If I can't cross-off all of these things from this list by Oct. 29th, well, I'll give myself an extension: Dec. 31st.

  1. Apply to graduate schools!!!!
  2. Celebrate my double-15th birthday with a quinceaƱera themed party.
  3. Travel to NY with the bf and experience his NYC.
  4. Lose those pesky 5 lbs.
  5. Get a job in the mental health industry (or at least get a good job if I'm volunteering in the mental health sector.)
  6. Join a dance class. Jazz please!
  7. Reorganize and de-clutter the home office.
  8. Host a nice party at my home with good friends.
  9. Go out clubbing with my girls once a month! (This does not happen as often as I want)
  10. Cut down on my TV addiction.
  11. Introduce Mike to Nana.
  12. Make a skirt from scratch.
  13. Get better about managing my investments.
  14. Start carrying my mobile on me again.
  15. If I can afford it, either take more spin classes or pilates.
  16. Find a great indoor hanging potter for our plants.
  17. Be better about talking regularly to friends and family, near and far.
  18. Get stuff out of my AZ storage.
  19. Organize our magazines, cds, and dvds.
  20. Draw or paint a picture for the apt. and hang it.
  21. Do laundry more often (before I get down to my last pair of undies).
  22. Get my CA driver's license. (breakin' the law, breakin' the law).
  23. Organize online photos.
  24. Fix my computer (or at least get a new one).
  25. When said computer is fixed, make a cd for Mike's dad.
  26. Backup files on external hard drive.
  27. Take public transportation more often.
  28. Hang out with my siblings in SD and get to know sister-in-law better. (I just visited with my Chi sib).
  29. Go through a week without mentioning anything negative about my mind, body, or abilities.
  30. Find a local coffee shop/library with comfortable furniture and work from there.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for this. it prompted me to write a 30 before 30. :)
