except i like how self-sufficient the dugs are; they built their own house like society never developed into the machine age.
chat time:
me: btw i think im getting carpal tunnel
Pal: oh no
me: yeah, right hand
Pal: there's this commercial that plays on tv all the time. it's for "the brown center" and this guy will fix your carpal tunnel for you. features him and his wife and like 16 children
me: ew, she has carpal tunnel in the vag and his ween is bent out of shape and achy it's on it's way to carpal
Pal: yeah that's what i think about every time i see that commerical--her vagina is definitely like throwing a hot dog down a hallway
me: that's the image i have of the duggars. i am constantly offended by them
im offended by her hair, his name, their kids, their lack of imagination, their version of proselytizing...
me: if you're going to have that many kids, a colony, name them like Cap'n Cool or fishface or name them like how they look
Pal: fishface! that's from judy bloom that brought me back to 5th grade
me: he was born with a pointy blue face, so im calling him ice arrow
Pal: HAHAH that's a SWEET name--ice arrow. omg i'm totally stealing it. my first born-- Ice Arrow.